Make Certain Your Smile Gets the Surgical Service it Needs

Throughout any dental problem, our very first goal is getting you out of pain. When you head to Lennon Dental Center, we make convenience a concern all the time, which demonstrates we are prepared to end your suffering rapidly.

With oral sedation, you can stop pain and calm your mind quickly. We offer dental sedation and calming amenities to help you feel completely at ease throughout your care.

As soon as we have ensured your comfort, we can focus on discovering the perfect fix to mend your smile. We offer multiple types of oral surgery services:

  • Tooth Extractions – Sometimes the damage to your teeth is too great to restore it. When it’s required, we can manage tooth extraction.
  • Bone Grafts – If you have actually lost bone mass in your jaw and wish to become a candidate for dental implants, a bone graft reconstructs the jawbone.
  • Gum Grafts – Repair your gumline after the effects of gum disease or other causes of gum recession.
  • Dental Implants – If you do need teeth removed, you need to get the greatest teeth replacements possible. Implants substitute the roots of your lost tooth, so your restorations can be strong, safe, and stable.
  • Other Services – We can likewise carry out ridge augmentations, socket preservation, jaw and facial restorations, biopsies for oral pathology, and more.

Following any dental surgery, you will need time to recover. We are here to answer you questions and offer you guidance on what you should do. We are also ready to rebuild your oral health and sustain your healthy smile fo many years to come.

Call Lennon Dental Center at 804-725-9485 or ”request. If you think you need an oral surgeon in East Highland Park, VA, we can help you keep your healthy smile with our numerous preventive services and basic dentistry as soon as we’ve handled your issue.