For years, the team at Lennon Dental Center has been caring with smiles in Richmond, VA with oral surgery solutions. We have a lengthy list of satisfied individuals that return time after time for their dental service because we offer first-class therapy to all. Our patients know they will be paid attention and cared for from the moment they walk through our doors – and you can too! Our staff works hard to see to it that each person obtains excellent oral treatment throughout.
To make that happen, use up-to-date dental technology. This equipment makes your time with us more positive and more effective, and it typically decreases the time you spend in our patient chair.
If you have anxiety concerning your oral surgery, don’t stress. We recognize all about oral anxiousness as well as will certainly do our best to assist you unwind. We provide oral sedation to match your requirements and will certainly ensure you obtain precisely what you need to sit back pleasantly in our treatment.
Some of the oral surgery solutions we offer are:
- Tooth Extractions – We’ll attempt to conserve your harmed or infected tooth, yet if that’s not feasible, we’ll delicately remove it to protect your oral health and wellness. Drawing out a harmed tooth will aid stop troubles with your various other teeth and gums.
- Bone Grafts – Replace bone tissue in your jaw so you can secure standard dental implants for your teeth replacements.
- Gum Grafts – Repair receding gums and re-establish your healthy gumline.
- Ridge Augmentation – Strength the ridge of your upper jaw building bone alongside it, allowing you to get implants, enjoy better, more lasting oral health.
- Sinus Lifts – Open a sinus cavity that might be too small for standard dental implants.
Call Lennon Dental Center today at 804-725-9485 for a consultation if you believe you may need an oral surgeon in Richmond, VA. We’ll get you in as soon as possible and also get your smile back fit!